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Videos & Services

Watch just how easy it is to travel with Airtrain.


Brisbane's Airtrain

500+ reviews

Customers are saying that "Airtrain is the only way to go!"

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Video Description

This video shows you just how easy it is to get from the Airtrain Domestic Station to the Brisbane Airport terminal.

Video Description

Welcome to Brisbane Domestic Airport, to catch Airtrain just follow the simple directions in this video from the baggage collection to the Airtrain Station just across the Skybridge.

Video Description

This video shows you just how easy it is to get from the Airtrain International Station to the Brisbane Airport departures lounge.

Video Description

Welcome to Brisbane International Airport, to catch Airtrain just follow the simple directions in this video from the International Arrivals lounge to the Airtrain Station on L3.

Video Description

Here is just how easy it is to travel using our online tickets from Brisbane Airport to Central Station.

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Here is just how easy it is to travel using our online tickets to the Airtrain station at the Brisbane Airport from Central.

Video Description

This video shows you how to travel seamlessly with the Airtrain and tram (G:link) connection from Brisbane Airport to Helensvale station and onto Surfers Paradise.

Video Description

This video shows you how to travel seamlessly with the Airtrain and tram (G:link) connection from Surfers Paradise to Helensvale and connecting with Airtrain to Brisbane Airport.

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欢迎来到布里斯班国内航站,搭乘机场快线火车只需按照此视频中的简单指示,领取行李后请 使用航站楼外的自动扶梯或升降机前往人行天桥,火车站入口就在人行天桥上。

